Selecting Key Positions at Your Brew Pub
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hello and thank you for tuning into another episode of what’s brewing with Augustine oh I’m your host Augustine Iacopelli and today we’re going to talk about something that were starting to get in to at Augustine of brewing company which is going to be a brewery and coffeehouse in the Wichita Kansas and we are looking forward to bring this the brand-new brewpub experience to you later this year the year being as I’m recording this 2017 so we hope that if you are in that area that you’ll come and join us and the enjoy some beer enjoy some coffee and enjoy some fantastic food so today we are a can of along those lines of food we are beginning our search for some of our key positions at our Augustine of brewing location and so there are a lot of interesting considerations that you need to have when you’re trying to select can keep positions for your Wichita brewpub as well if you are opening one in our neck of the woods one of those things that you really want to look at first and foremost the matter what kind of business you are in no matter whether you’re at a restaurant or brewpub or whether you are a more business oriented service oriented product oriented it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day you want to your first and foremost the attitude of the individual you can have somebody who’s really hike caliber and high-quality in terms of knowing how to do their job but if there real jerk to be around if they poison the culture poison the atmosphere you don’t want that really high talent individual on your team what you want is you want somebody who it is of still high talent but perhaps they have a little bit less and skill but the thing is you can train skill you can train people on how to physically do a job i.e. it does help if you get the whole package where you have a great attitude of an individual plus you have a lot of high skill but it’s kind of rare for that to come into alignment usually you have one or the other in each candidate that you will interview in our case we are right now trying to consider who were to go with for kitchen management and front of house management and things of that nature and so we we’ve taken in some good individuals in terms of a lot of high experience and are working on deciding which individual is a better fit for us as we go forward and along those lines you have to also think about in terms of your ownership in your involvement in your brewery your business in general you think about how much you want to be involved in the day-to-day operations a lot of owners love the idea of setting up a business and then letting the business pay back their investment and then hopefully continues to provide additional capital to that individual because a business whether it is a brewpub or whether it is a any other business it’s under the sun it is there to help serve you and help the make you love more money and so we want to make sure that we are providing a world-class brewpub experience in the way to provide a world-class brewpub experience is to have world-class employees working for you in a world class employee is an employee that is not just skilled but also has an excellent attitude and I know that when it comes down to who we select at Augustine brewing as some of our management staff it’s going to be almost exclusively on the attitude of the individual and how much they are willing to step up to the plate not for us but step up to the plate for our customers and make sure that what we are providing is light years ahead and well above and beyond the experience that anyone else receives at any of the other local brewpubs in the area it’s a real important thing for us to consider what it is that is needed in each it individual guests experience we are and already have integrated a number of features into our planning and an into our layout that no one else is doing here and in the local market we’ve been able to feed off of quite a lot of sources not only other breweries we visited but also watching a lot of bar rescue if you can believe that as well as other shows that really help outline some of the a subtle but key differentiators between breweries and restaurants that are successful in those that simply are not and you what you find is a lot of it comes right down to training and so that is why it is so amazingly important that you seek out a management staff that is not just very good but outstanding and also values the need for constant training of the staff I you need to be on them you need to be trading them over and over and over again until they get that guest experience script down and that’s really what it is and and a lot of people don’t look at it that way in the a restaurant business but you really want to have a strong that a strong experience just lined up late out scripted out for your staff and I see a lot of cases where there may be a a script put together but it’s not being followed very well or at least it’s being followed very inconsistently by staff of of the restaurants that I visited and the script and how you have your wait staff carry that script out is the difference between being profitable and not being profitable both for you and for that individual which again ties back to why it is so essential for your managers to understand the needs of the business and understand the attitude that is required to have a successful operation at your brewpub whether it’s a brewpub in Wichita Kansas or whether it’s a brewpub across the country or even across the world the experience is what is key and you have to have the right people in the right places I’d to to assure that the individuals were working for that person are following the guidelines and there are following the script every single time they are encountering a customer there has to be excellent transitions into up sells cross cells and other elements that are really key to owning a restaurant and and keeping it profitable one of the things that we are looking at doing because we have coffee is trying to target the individual who is either drinking less or not drink at all consider the designated driver and targeting them for special offers that will keep them at the table with their fellow drinkers and possibly have them drinking their coffee or nonalcoholic beverage at a higher rate than they might otherwise do and so that’s something that we have we also have the idea of cross-selling via utilizing a membership type of structure and again with that you’ve got to have your management staff willing and able to have your servers push those items so that is as some of the crazy considerations that we have when we think about selecting key positions for our brewpub have a great day and we’ll see you back your soon