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    Craft Brewing with Style – Part 1

    [smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/user-239162736/episode-049-craft-brewing-with-style-part-1″ title=”Episode 049 | Craft Brewing with Style – Part 1″ image=”http://b0c.2c5.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Liquid-Deception-Vanilla-Hazelnut-Porter-300×210.jpg” color=”#000000″ background=”#A53322″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]


    Hello and welcome to what’s brewing with Augustine oh your source for information on craft beer craft coffee and craft food on your host Augustine’s Tino Iacopelli and today we are going to begin our journey through the beer Judge certification styles I and look at all of the styles that are available for us to a tap into it Augustine of brewing now core styles are just styles their guidelines are places to start when were thinking about brewing beer but they aren’t the ending point there assertive roof reflection of what has been rather than a reflection of what can be so it’s always important to look at that as were going through the styles this is going to take us several different episodes to get totally through going to start at the front to work our way back on not discussing these BJCP style a provide a little of my own input and the if it’s a style that were talking about brewing in-house I will talk a little bit more about that but the for the most part I wanted to take you through these different styles if you’re not as aware of the year different styles are out there that are at least recognize styles and in the American beer and and global beer as well so the first category are you know for Lotta craft beer people the least entertaining or interesting category but I it only gets better from here I guess and there are no the majority of Americans drink from this category still exclusively or near exclusively it’s a humbling category because as much as we think we’ve come a long way in terms of craft beer we still have a long ways left to go to bring more people into a craft brewing and craft beer styles so with the American light lager it is considered highly carbonated very light bodied I nearly flavorless log are designed to be consumed very cold very refreshing and thirst quenching now with that’s really getting at is the fact that unlike a lot of ale styles and a lot of craft beers that can and probably should be served between about 38 and 42° American light lager’s I if you’ve ever had a beer go warm in the style it is completely unappetizing at that point unlike craft beers which can and should be served warm or light loggers and most of the other beers in this category need to be served cold because otherwise there’s unpleasantries that that come out of it the fact that it is flavorless and easy drinking winds up being its attribute and its prime attribute so that being what it is is definitely something to think about in terms of the style history of the style to touch and that is that the coolers briefly made a light lager in the early 1940s modern versions were first produced in Rheingold in 1967 to appeal to diet conscious drinkers I in my opinion to be diet conscious and being a drinker is kind of interesting but it is a big thing I a lot of runners in the our local running community are very much into both being healthy and drinking beer and they believe that it the two can balance but I find more and more that runners don’t want to have the American light lager category they’d rather have more fuller bodied beers because after all they burn a lot of calories and so they turned it anyway I getting back to the history starting in 1973 after Miller Brewing acquired the recipe and marketed the beer heavily to sports fans with the tastes great less filling campaign beers of this genre became the largest sellers in the United States in the 1990s and in some of the characteristic ingredients of the style or to our six row barley with high percentage up to 40% of rice or corn as adjuncts that makes us these type of beers actually really cheap to produce which of course is attractive in your mass-producing it in and you’ve got economies of scale right there as well so I commercial examples of this Bud Light course like Keystone light Michelob light Miller lite and old Milwaukee light we move them away from the American light lager it’s been American lager category next and the overall impression of this category is a very pale highly carbonated the light bodied well attenuated beer with a very neutral flavor profile and low bitterness just like with the American light lager category this one is intended to be served very cold so I can be a very refreshing and thirst quenching drink its water like basically is what they’re getting at here you know in terms of the appearance of this type of beer it’s a very pale straw to medium yellow in color I have a white frothy head but it basically disappears almost immediately and it’s a very clear beer crystal clear in nature so if you’re drinking it in the has may be a greeny sweetness and ever so slightly but not a whole lot there’s really not a lot going on with American loggers just like with the American light loggers it’s sort of it goes from zero taste to almost 0 taste when you’re of going from the American light lager to the American lager category so the history of this beer style is that although the German immigrants had brewed traditional poster inspired lager beer in the United States since the middle mid to late 1800s the modern American lager style was heavily influenced by prohibition World War II the surviving breweries want of consolidating after prohibition and then they expanded distribution and the heavily promoted beer styles that were appealing to a broad range of the population at the time this style became the dominant beer style for many decades up until really the growth of the craft beer industry and and then the the dominant and it spawned many international rivals who are developed similarly blander products for mass market production that was just supported by very heavy I advertising was a really sad time for American be for a the beer world during about the 1930s to the 1990s give or take but fortunately we’ve gotten past that. Of time in our lives and we can put him behind us will close with one more category the cream ale cream L is actually a a can be done fairly well I wouldn’t necessarily put this in with the American light lager in the American lager category although it is another fairly clean beer as well the overall impression of this beer is a clean well attenuated flavorful American lawnmower beer easily drinkable and refreshing with more character than typical American loggers I think that’s a real key item there is that it is more flavorful more grainy than your American light lager your American lager category this is also a style that we do have a beer in our arsenal that is a cream L it’s actually beer that had been produced previously by another brewery Walnut River brewing company one of our cofounders has brutes and beer with them and I it this is one of those beers that they put on it was very popular but they decided that it be okay if we produced it at Augustine a bring instead which we were very appreciative to find that information out and this will be probably summer beer that we produce so we’ll get into more styles next time but the until then I am Augustine Iacopelli and you’ve been listening to what spring with Augustine oh thanks a lot and have a fantastic day

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