Craft Brewing with Style – Part 5
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thanks for tuning back in for another episode of Augustine of bring your source for craft beer craft coffee craft food and we are in the middle of a long series of sessions on the different BJCP styles BJCP stands for your Judge certification program IMI Augustine Iacopelli nine a BJCP judge I am also a cold founder of Augustine of brewing which is it going to be a the first major chain of craft breweries and coffee houses here in the United States hours start with our first location in Wichita Kansas of all places I love it it’s my home and I am really glad to found this the company here in Wichita which is still very useful in its growth into craft brewing the Wichita Kansas and the Wichita brewing companies here in town are bringing amazing brewpub beers to our community and the some of these breweries including the us it Augustine of bring will become I have no doubt regionally and nationally known we will become the Mecca for beer in the central plains so without further do I want to go on into our BJCP styles I’m would highly recommend going back in the kitchen some of our earlier programs on styles it to was learn about some of the other styles of that are out there you and also look up all of the styles that we have in the a Beer Judge certification program by going to and you can dial download all the style guidelines there to review in your style guidelines are just that there’s their guidelines they’re not you have to do things this way they provide us with guidance as brewers for just kind of where we want to direct ourselves it’s ultimately up to the brewer to take those styles and the create a remarkable beer at beer that hit your palate and you can’t necessarily put your finger on it but there’s just something special about it and we plan to bring you plenty of special beers it Augustine of brewing and some of it set just about the storytelling I found in terms of upbringing magic to beers and the between high quality and a good story you wind up with a phenomenal beer and a great experience so we left off at the check Amber logger category and this is category 3C for BJCP guidelines in the overall impression of this beer is that it is a mold driven Amber check logger with hop character that can very from low to quite significant them all flavors can vary quite a bit leading to different interpretations ranging from dryer bratty and slightly biscuit he to sweeter and somewhat karmically in nature if you look at what the aroma is like our other check beers I you have a moderate intense aroma the rich malt character Crump comes across and that he comes across with a up ready maybe even a slightly toasty character to it there’s a little bit of sweetness that you can get on it to the kind of smells of caramel or candy like I in nature hop character tends to be very restrained on this at least on the aroma it’s it’s moderate at the extreme but you can have no hop character and it still okay on the style has a clean logger character to it because of logger use that used of versus ale yeast which tends to add the various esters depending on the strain that your utilizing however in spite of the a longer Easter can develop some of fruit characteristics that the in low amounts can really add to the I’m character of this beer you in terms of flavor in the there’s a very complex malt flavor which dominates his beer check loggers tend to be very malt forward relative to their cousin loggers and in Germany and also in the United States you also will have what’s called a male yard product and mail the artist is kind of that Carmen Lee sort of the cattle caramelization that that can happens when you take some sugar in the bottom of pan he melted and you just keep cooking it until it changes color that’s a male yard reaction and so some of those flavors that come across as a result of that is kind of a candy like flavor graham cracker sort of flavor which really adds to complexity in this type of beer I it in terms of the mouth you were talking a lot more of a a medium to medium full-body it to will really Fill you up to your palate and have you really enjoy we talked a little bit about the check premium pale logger last time and it being a fairly significant step up from the three the three a category which the check pale logger however the check Amber logger versus the check premium pale logger in terms of alcohol by volume and tend to be fairly similar in nature you can maybe stretch a little bit higher on the check Amber logger especially in the low end of the style but generally speaking it doesn’t get too much higher than about 5.8% in terms of are a real traditional version of this on one example of a beer that is close to this type of style is a Vienna logger the difference between the two is that the type of hop character that is used between the Vienna logger and the check logger with the check logger you have a says error type hop character and it kind of approaches may be in English bitter type of quality it the as opposed to the Vienna logger category also you tend to have with large brewery versions there a lot more closer to the check premium pale logger then they are their own style that she is kind of the way that there made the two are our really only distinguished often times by the color of the at the beer itself so that is the check Amber logger most of the styles are difficult to find in the United States but and I’m not immune to try to pronounce some of them I’m just not very good at international pronunciation so we’ll leave that right there the last one which were can touch on and then the next time we’ll get into the pale multi-European loggers but were first going to touch on the check dark logger the check dark logger has a rich dark multi-check with flavor with roast character that can be almost absent to quite prominent so the roast can go all over the place in this beer I style it just kinda has to balance how to make sense with the rest of the the beer and that’s one thing I want to point out with all of these styles is there is in many of the skies a lot of room for interpretation that’s where it goes from just being science to being art I think if you talk to him a number of brewers who are craft brewers here in the Wichita Kansas and Wichita breweries as well as those across the country your to find the similarity that yes there’s a lot of science involved a lot of chemistry involved in making a great craft beer but there’s also a sense of art to it as well and so with this check dark logger you get a medium to medium high deep complex maltiness typically with multi-rich male yard products and light to moderate malt sweetness you can have some spicy hot flavor but it’s usually very subdued low to nine and you know in terms your body its medium to medium full-body again and that this really is a combination of multiple check styles where as you wind up with more modern examples that tend to be a little bit drier and the finish night they have a little bit higher bitterness to them to balance out the a sweetness but a traditional check dark logger has a lot of sweetness to it so that is the end of the check logger category and I will come back in our next episode with the pale multi-European loggers thanks for listening to Augustine of brewing and what’s brewing with Augustine
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